Sunday 28 February 2010

Been having so much FUN across the Networks
I'm sure that I was suppose to be doing my doestics...Oh Dear How Rude...I was interrupted by Twitter...Twitting was calling me!
Watching Columbo...You can't beat the Old Classics
Facebook To Say Goodbye To Apps Notifications- Yippeeeeee!
Google Nexus One Comes To Verizon
Google's Doing It's Bit!!!-Google Launches Person Finder To Help With the Chile Earthquake Appeal-
More Gadget News - Android 2.1 Maybe Here Sooner Than You Think -
Twitter Helps To Find Missing Person After Chile Earthquake-
Jason Mraz's Twitter Account Hacked-
How To Donate To Chile Earthquake -
Chile Earthquake photos- See the damage for yourself
Domestics here I come!
So many more blogs to write & post!
Internet connections seem to be slowing down.
Piles of paper to go through.In a 'Can't be...mood!'
Finally received the wedding info.Start putting plans into place.Hopefully,end July,Ireland here I come!
Having problems with Twitter.Anybody else experiencing the same?
Hi everyone...Just passing through had a rough night hardly any sleep.Feeling CRAP...Need to close my eyes for a few hours...

Saturday 27 February 2010

To continue to do what I am BEST at...Twitting my bits off & sharing,informing & educating about this morning events & the events to follow...
My heart goes out to all effected by the fatal impact of this mornings events...So I suppose the MOST important contribution I can make is...
Today's events have placed a dark cloud over my day! But I know...In the near future it will be much brighter!
Yes,you do have a responsibility!
So the question is...What role are you going to play with clearing up this mess(Chilie's earthquate)& contribute to supporting&helping these guys out?
It's events like this,that makes me realize that no matter how deep I sink into the gutter...I STILL have NO issues or problems!!!
Sorry guys if my last few blasts have been deep! Many of you wouldn't have experienced this side of me yet! I'm passionate about the people around me...Even if they are Thousands of miles across the globe!
I suppose these are the issues which people don't wish to think about or do anything about...until it's too late! (except the Google mapping) I'm heartless at all!!!
...&How it may come to a point that Google may have to alter it's map of the world...(Sorry if I appear cold...Don't mean to! It was more to raise the underlying issues which we may also have to face)
Unfortunately to me I could only see the human & environment cost,& the fatal consequences of lack of communication...So I stated about how Nobody could tweet...
...So to try to change the mood slightly(well,I'm not too sure that I was successful with this)I raised a few scary issues in a joking manner...
Unfortunately,early this morning I made such remarks to a few friends over breakfast...The truth is I'm really crap at dealing with such disaster stories...
Which then raises more scary issues...It's these issues we all around the world need to be concerned about.
The changes&any real damages to this part of the mainland as this can cause major shifts to the land & sea movements (underneath)...This could change the world map as we know it!
The truth is that we have to fear the worst...
...The one's still living & waiting in fear to see the real impact that this earthquake has had & the damages it has caused (Esp the invisible ones)
It's NOT All about the guys who have been hit 1st...It's about the ones which will be hit the hardest...
8.8 earthquake is a very worrying situation...My heart goes out to those who have had the 1st impact & for those in the surrounding areas.
I am seriously trying to behave myself...But my fingers won't stay still for a mo...What do you recommend that I do?
What does it teach us...?There is a much higher price to paythan the distaster which is unfolding before our eyes.
Remember the 6 Degrees & butterfly Effect Principles (laws)...What does today's events mean for the rest of the world?
The Answer is that we must start listening & learning from the lessons which Mother Nature is trying to teach us...They are happening too frequently now!
How many more music events & donations do we have to make before we realize that this isn't the answer.It doesn't end here!!!
Is there more that we can do?
The sadest thing is...Not only have we learnt from these traggic events, we seem to keep repeating our mistakes & thinking that the answer is to throw money at the problem!
Is it the Gov's from the effected areas or do we all around have some responsibility?
Who's responsible for the welfare & support systems to the guys out in the areas directly effected by this mornings event?
Do we have any responsibility to the people in Chilie?
What's the real price we must pay for todays event(earthquake)in Chilie & Hati's?
To my co twitts...Yeap I do do a lot of ROTBWML(rolling On The Bed Wetting Myself Laughing) & ROTFWML (Rolling On The Floor Wetting Myself Laughing)
Still trying to make a cup of was rudely distracted by more important things such as being a Twitt...ROFWML(Rollling On Floor Wetting Myself Laughing)
WOW...can't believe I had done so much work yesterday...It felt as though I didn't move my fingers enough! lol
I'll be spending most off the day behind the scenes correcting,editing prewritten blogs & working on a few docs to upload & sell...
Sorry guys, won't be blogging too much u know I'm a lazy...(Muppet)...
@stellaholman - Thanks for retweeting...That was fast It's not long since I fingertipped that one!!! lol
Now's the time to make the difference in the world!!!
How much is it REALLY going to cost us 'til we GET IT! We learn the lessons which are presented to us...Regarding our greed & arrogance...
We have all contributed one way or another to this morning events...We can't keep shying away from these issues!
We know these lessons have been taught time & time again...Now it's time to take ACTION!
Mother Nature is a GREAT Teacher!!! Now she's sending us the MOST aggressive lessons ever...
It is each of ours personal responsibility to stand up & try to correct our negative habits & it's impacts on the world...
The world is changing right before our eyes...What's the next step to try to correct our ignorance...? the damage of the world around us & not our immediate environments!!!
Maybe now this is it...This is when everybody will sit up & listen & really see the warning signs of how much damage we have all contributed...
What course of action is to be taken from the Gov's & the rest of the world?
Why hasn't much more been done?
How comes it seems to be the Twitters who take on all the social & personal responsibilities to update,inform & educate others about such events?
I know we live in the Communications & Media Technology world but how come more hadn't been done? Didn't we learn any lessons from Hati?
...Why has it taken to nearly 11am approx (GMT) to put out all the warnings by the Government & for such announcements to be broadcasted...?
I can't believe the news about chillie. 8.8 earthquake. The sadest things is that if this event happened at approx 3am(6am GMT approx)...

Friday 19 February 2010

I keep experiencing some crazy things from some of these tools...Not too sure what is going on.
@geertconard - Has mini G arrived yet?
I pologise guys that I didn't attend Ecademy's 12th Birthday event last night I was looking forward to it, a document had to take priority
Been fiddling with my bits again!
Happy 18th Birthday Bro...Have FUN!!! Big Sis xxx
Hope I didn't miss too much!

Friday 12 February 2010

I'm only a few clicks or sms away!!!
Catch U all up later...Hopefully,be back in a crazy mood like right now!
My hard drive can't take any more of me...It's had enough...;) ROBL
Must go & try to be Normal...How boring!!!
Yes,I do almost everything from my bed...So quite often you are in bed with me without (virtually of course!!!) ROBL
My software hasn't arrived yet so it's putting me off track slightly but using this time to be productive else where!
Yes, Ok I'm a sensitive...! ROBL (Rolling On Bed Laughing!)
At the mo...My heart & head is with my ex & his recovery...Keeping all my bits crossed...Counting down the days! 6 weeks of heartache...;)
Interesting times a head...!!!
Completing pieces I started sometime ago which I haven't had the opportunity to return to until now
Feel FREE to send the naughty ones to my boxes or mob ROFL ;););)
"Any Valentines Messages U wish to share?'... (Please try to keep them clean...This is a family show!!!)lol.
"So what's your plans for the 'BIG' Valentines Day?"
My fingers will still working their way over...
Just have a few surprises for a few people...
It is still fine to contact me & have your say...I will be working behind the scenes for a while...I'm not disappearing...
...To do what 'm suppose to...So I don't SCREW UP!!! So, yes! I will be still attending meeting,events,social networking etc
I won't be doing the hospital runs or home visits after the treatments as I'm kept on the sidelines so that I will continue...
Bear with me, over this 6 week period as I will be all over the place so if I'm suppose to have done something for U,please nudge me!
It explains my mood swings yesterday & my friends trying to cheer me up!
I knew it was going to really kick in when the theapy happens...I suppose you don't know how it will really effect you until the time comes.
Only learnt this morning that my ex started his radiotheraphy yesterday...So I'm all over the place both mentally & emotionally
Need a little time out...A few hours out at min...
I have just had a long hard workout needed to go & clear my head a little. Will take a shower & go for a long walk by the river...
A little late start...But so far I have done quite a few things which have needed to be done.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Catch up later!
Can't believe that I've almost completed all the domestics that I was suppose to have done on Mon.Just from bopping along to George Benson.
Watched an interview with George Benson on TV...according to the dates of some of his classics...I was in my nappies swinging my bits off!
Been bobbing along, swinging those bits to George Benson...Wow he looks Great for his age.
I'm still at it!
Been finger tipping my bits off...
I can't beieve I've almost completed a days work already...Maybe this work through the early hours work for me!

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Off to have a quick one...Coffee & shower (1hr) Catch you later!
Off to meet my friends for a quick breakfast & to catch up with the boys before they go to school.
Hopefully, the new software tools which I have been waiting for & the graphics software arrives today.Let's keep our bits crossed...
Need to take my laptop through anoth Anti Virus today...It's starting to behave as CRAZY as me...again!
It's hard work but somebody's got to do it!
Just finished a few article blogs,in the process of converting them into videoAudio blogs too.
It's NOT real until you start seeing some results.All the hard work,lack of sleep,lack of social life etc etc is starting to pay off!
Projects are starting to become a great deal more exciting as they are starting to come together.
Had to create a few more new spaces for my blogging & Training camp areas.
Alreday been up editing & formating files for blogs.
What do I get for a 5 & 6 yr old boys birthday? Any Ideas
It's hi brothers 5th Birthday in 2 weeks...What do I get him????
I need ideas...Help????? What do you get a 6yr old boy for his BD nowadays?
It's my little friends 6th Birthday on Thursday (Tomorrow).What do you get a 6 year old? Help!!!
So whoever had a bet on that one has lost.
Still trying to find a suitable milk...Still being a lab rat...So far tried 1 type of milk...Still having the effects...
I must get out of these early morning breakfasts & working habits
Today,I've had the right breakfast (partly) a bowl of musli with semi skimmed milk,lack of sleep & lack of energy! Feel so drained.
determine your mood & your whole day!
Have so much more to do but don't have the energy to do it. It's so true what they say...your food & especially your breakfast will...
What am I suppose to do with all this milk? I have almost every type which you can buy off the shop shelf!
At the mo...I'm like a lab rat! ;););)
I think they are already having their own private bets to which one discovers something that I don't have a reaction to...
My friends are having too much fun experimenting with me...A few of them have shown up at my door to deliver a different type of milk...
Checkeded in to see if my inbox received some files I'd been working on...Not so lucky, must be a little more patient!

Monday 8 February 2010

Catch you later!
Still reachable via my box or mob
Interesting day ahead. Pretty borig, I suppose just writing(pen to Paper) then editing & formating pieces.Ready for final prints©right
..Yeah right...walking & getting on buses with a 4&5yr old...Hmmm,I wonder which one will get up to the most mischief!!! lol
It's going to be a weird experience I can't remember the last time I escorted&collected kids to school.Hmm going to have so much fun...
...But yesterday mum suggested it to me...So during the week I must go up to school with mum to arrange it...
He wanted to go to school.There was nobody to take him.I didn't want to offer in case it was misunderstood as mum is extremely possessive
Looks like I may have a new job...Last week especially the boys parents were ill...The whole family except 1 of the boys were ill...
Must get some work done before I meet the kids for breakfast...felt guilt as I didn't join them for dinner last night-They were eating fish!
Up editing & writing won't be on too long as need to spend most of day focusing on behind the scenes
Looks like another early start...Could have done with that extra hour feel rough...
Off to have a play & another quick one...Catch up later!
Have so many messages to answer...That could take a couple of days by itself...I do do some work (sometimes!!!) lol
"I'm NOT Bothered!!!"
Have to make sure there's NO cameras or mobiles! lol
Still hearing & paying the price from last night...Still have a few forfeits to honour...Not too sure what they are just yet...
Hmmm...Where do I start? What shall I work on 1st? Choices...Choices...;););)
As they haven't reached my inbox yet...I'll carry on with something else...
Still waiting for a few files to be fired across to me so that I can make amendments to them...
Must get back & complete some important stuff behind the scenes...
...I was ready to collapse into my bed a few hours ago...It seems that I've 1 of my energy bursts...I'm sure it won't last too long
I couldn't sleep,too many things in my head so I'm still trying to tire myself.
What a waste of my time... actually put that in a blog which I was testing with it.
Not too sure but I've spent the last few hours on yahoo tarting up my profile page but I keep losing it &it hasn't tweeted my status updates
Need to rest my Brain cells for a while...Need to control my sparks lol...Catch you later!!! Feel free to drop by my boxes or mob! ;)
With your messages to my mob or boxes, please state a good time to give you a call back...I will be working through the night!
Off to catch some zzzzz for awhile I hope! I will be turning my mob on silent but I will get back to you in the afternoon or eve...
Need to find sometime to go & get some new boots & trainers...Hmmm...So much to do...
one who actually cleans the garments properly!
Have piles of dry cleaning to be done as I haven't found one yet that I trust to leave my clothes with&
Mission...Find a dry cleaners who won't shrink or screw up my clothes...Who do you trust?
Need to start on the domestics at some stage today & get my laundry & dry cleaning done...Great being Super woman!!!
So many more things I want to accomplish today...Though I'm still on track so I can afford to zzzzzz apart of the day away...
Let's hope I get a few hrs, otherwise I'll be such a Grumpy Bitch later....;););)
I promised I'd try...At least to the cleaners come & start hoovering...
Had a lecture that I should go back to bed for a few hrd to catch some zzzzzz as I've been up working & had very little sleep!
Back from having breakfast & seeing the kids before they went to school.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Catch you up later...Have a great day!!!
Time for a quick one &then to close my eyes for a short while.Have to catch up with the 2 boys before they go to school as promised(7.25am)
Arsenal v's Liverpool on Wednesday (7pm)- Pub match of course!!! ;););) Any excuse for a capp... Who do you think will win?
Have a few sales copy pages to complete...Then the dreaded typing them up...;););)
I will be going to close my eyes for a little while...Do a meditation before going for early breakfast with my friends.
I still can't believe that I am up at this time tapping my bits off.
Uploading too much work at once.
Need to be careful as they are the originals& had to be protected.Now I must be careful I don't get penalised from the search engines for...
Trying not too overload my spaces all at once as I have done a great deal of work & I haven't been
Waiting for some of my files to get back to me as I had stored them somewhere else...So these can be corrected & uploaded too...
Either way,many of the blogs,reviews etc which I have had laying around to upload when my domain name had been corrected will be uploaded
...Hopefully I'll have that put right soon too...I'll be on the mob today to give them another headache!
Having difficulty pointing my domain name somewhere else...Can't believe it has too be this complicated for such an easy task...
It's not that I've got it wrong...It's just another way to finding what's right
Yep,I still get it wrong from time to time...But always get it right in the end...
1 thing I am starting to appreciate so much more is...That this Muppet has always made the right choice of investments...In myself&my skills
Still not too sure which design to use just yet...I suppose it depends after the final designs printed!
I can then sit down & start designing&producing the covers for the DVD Training kits & the front covers for the Books.
Looking forward to receiving some graphics software & tools for the YouTube productions,websites,blogs & DVD labels/Packaging.
Must get rid off these piles of paper lurking around me...Already broken 3 shredders...Need 1 to last at least a few months ;)
Hopefully start converting some files into other formats.
Long busy day ahead...Mainly designing & editing products...This is pretty much the long & boring stages...
Finally got over it! It was along night after Arsenals beating...Didn't suffer as much as expected too.Fulfilled my forfeit.What a Muppet!

Saturday 6 February 2010

Fingers crossed that I don't loose my friendly bet as I'm dreading the forfeits...;););)
Off to do some other things & to be a pain in the butt for a while...Have to get in some practice before the football starts!
"Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr Seuss
"It ain't braggin' if you can back it up." Dizzy Dean
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere."
Albert Einstein
"Everything starts as somebody's daydream."
Larry Niven
People are already laying bets that we will all be enermies by the end of the match! lol
A date with the TV & a few friends (All Chelsea Supporters) to watch the match...Should be FUN...
Judgement day...Arsenal vs Chelsea...Come on you REDS!!! lol ;););)
Watch the short doc about Mandella on BBC...Interesting! It's that time again...Another morning of Political Broadcasts...
repicked up an inspiring book to try to keep me motivated while the CRAP continues to unfold around me...Who cares? Bring it on!!!
Just subscribed to an amazing site...Need some more time with it before I announce this great resource.So far...Brill!
Interesting day ahead...
My mob has suddenly become extremly active guys...Thanks it won't stop vibrating & jumping off the table...The messages are cute too!
...Ann Frank,Sue Townsend & Virgina Wolf and the like.What amazing & inspiring writers.Some of their enteries were so amusing.
Been watching an interesting documentary on BBC about writing diaries...It was an educational program about The Greats...
Up doing my stuff as usual...

Friday 5 February 2010

Catch you later!
Going for a quick one...(1hr almost)...In the shower...
Back off to do somethings...Must jump into the shower...Just enough time b4 I catch up with my friends for breakfast...
Weren't we suppose to bin the whole thing & be paper free...Not if you step into my room...I'm lucky if at times U can find the bed or floor
So proud of myself...Managed to complete the unthinkable yesterday...That thing they call paperwork (hardly remember what it is)!
At the mo there's a battle going on...Arsenal v that unknown team!!! lol ... Sundays judgement day!!! I better win this friendly bet! lol
Think I will have a laugh & try my salsa one...Well what body parts can I pull or damage that I haven't already!!! lol
Today...Must purchase another keep fit video & mag...Have to swap them time 2 time or they become so boring...
...Lucky they witnessed what a crazy week I had!
I have so much sucking up to do after falling a sleep on them while watching the movie last night
Have to get ready to meet my friends for breakfast soon (7am)...
Already high on coffee...That's what happens I suppose when you are up working through the early hours...
"Who on earth is Chelsea...???? Are they some 3rd division team that we are now just learning about??? lol Come on Arsenal!!!!
[Penny Power]...Sorry to hear about your father not being too well.Wish him all the best in recovery. (Sorry didn't have a chance earlier)
Have so much to do today, to try to keep my fingers out of trouble (if that's at all possible!)
"It's my BD & I'll misbehave if I want too!!!...I'm 12 years old in the morning!!!" lol Well done team!!!
"I'm 12yrs old...& I'll do what I want too..." Happy Birthday (in advance)
Time to do some other things before I go back behind to my drawingboard & knock out some more reviews & Blogs...
I can't believe I'm still up pinging (retweeting)...It's been another long session.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Exciting times ahead...
Need to re-learn to relax...I've become so CRAP at it!!!
Off to do some more serious work now & then off to do some meditation if I can remember how!!!
"What a Proud Lazy Muppet!, But Loving my time being one!"
Hopefully,it means I can retire in 7mths if I wish
Actually laying don some concrete GOALs & Plans...Can't believe that I have already accomplished so many of them...
It's great when you can't sleep...I get so much more work done hen the building is quiet...(well except for my neighbour snoring);)
I still can't believe I have created so much work...copyrighted & ready to launch very soon.Just working on some of their marketing material
So,I can breathe a little & U guys can have a laugh ;)
I now have a little help of somebody fingertipping my work for me(just the typing,not the creation)
Looks like tomorrow I'm also back to designing the foundations of webpages...Yipppeeeeeee!
Still unhappy with the softare that I had been testing for my own sites...Not what it says on the tin....(It can't deliver the goods)
Quite a bit of work being uploaded tomorrow...They are far better than the initial drafts...So I hope you enjoy them...
Been busy writing my bits off today...Can't believe I've got through so much work...Tomorrow I must finger tip them (painful)
It was pretty good...Probably, more to do with the cast than the storyline! ;) Matt Dillion was worth dribbling over! lol
Took time out for myself last night as I promised my friend that I would sit & watch the 'Vampire Diaries' with him last night.
Full steam ahead today...Meetings to go to. Been working my bits off since 2am this morning. the end of next month
But I will make plans to go either way even if I don't make the hotel arrangements... I'll make my own arrangements near the time or...
But an answer is demanded for next week&I'm not sure that I can make such a commitment in such a short period of time.I need a little longer
Been invited to a cousins wedding in June/July back in Cork...Though the wedding will be held some other location...
I did try to correct this, this morning but I don't have enough hard drive space...Need to clear the machine first.
My Facebook account has been temp suspended as it I'm under suspicion of having a virus...
Taken another software for a test drive which I needed for my own sites but not having too much joy with that at the mo
I didn't have time to test drive.In many people's eyes this would be the most important compont.So I will test today &then complete the blog
I did start a blog regarding a twitter tool yesterday which I took for a test drive but there was one major component which...
Another day of self development & completing blogs
I can't believe that now adays a long Birth cert is no longer a valuable document...Photo Passports have more of a standing.
the rest of my idea is in working order.
Looks like another morning of proving who I am...(Lets hope I don't get arrested!!!) ;););) My passport hasn't been long out of date but...
I only went for a print out of my bank statements as I haven't received the original which are suppose to be sent to my residence.
I can't believe that banking has become such a mission.The whole idea of having an electronic card as to speed up on the service.
Not looking forward to going back to the bank to collect my card as the machine chose to chew it up.More time wasting...
Been along morning already...Still tapping up bits & pieces

Monday 1 February 2010

"CAtch Me If U Can?"
Must go...Catch up with you across the sites somewhere!
...I shall send you & twitt the links so you can take a look & laugh...
By the way...I'm also going to be disecting some of my mentors&placing my findings in blogs which you shall find posted in my own spaces...
Told U I'm TOTALLY Lazy!!! lol
Have products,sites,software & books to test & write reviews for...
Have meetings today too...Hopefully they will be productive...
Again today I will be spending a great deal of time behind the scenes...Working on my life plans & retweaking my biz models
"Don't Be Afraid To Share!!!"
Got to get back to some of the more serious stuff!
I'm not too sure what happened just then...but my connection was rudely interrupted by my service provider...I lost all connections...
a little weirder than usual ;););)
Hey guys,I had to share....It's just something I had to get off my chest & you are aware why at some intervals I've been...
ponder...As they say food for thought...The only issue I have with this is the visuals of me turning into Bugs Bunny! lol
Hey, I was also reading an article about carrots & there positive effects...It's not all about eye sight...Some real amazing stuff to ...
Also been given info about a book regarding Lactose Intolerance...which I will most definitely order & take a look at...
I think I'll be her guini-pig for a while...If her products work on me then there's hope for the rest of the suffers out there...
But I must go back & try that YUCKY stuff...I must also sit down with Stella H (Ecademy) & discuss her choclate products...
...I was winging about paying £10-£20 a time on Trial & errors...but as soon as they start increasing...Somethings wrong!
...For Trial & Errors...There must be a less expensive & easier way to find out how you can work with your alignments...
to drink & use as a complimentry side food to my meal...1st reaction.YUCK! rather drop dead! I can't keep folking out £30-£50 for medicines
...That my parionia about suddenly becoming fat & bloating like a balloon was actually to do with this...Then I sa what he was expecting me
Now I must look into this much more (Lactose Intolerance)...This had also be mentioned to me B4 from a Chinese Medicine Man(Alternative Med)
I knew I was having many problems with the milk & I have changed it many times but it seems that I must attack the soya milk...YUCK!!!
2 Things I will NOT give up are my Capp & Belgium Waffles...I know what a sucker!!! ;););) lol
There's that sense of humour again!!! ROTBWML Rolling On The Bed Wetting Myself Laughing
What hope do I have...I may as well give up on everything now...! ;););)
Can you believe it...Almost everything I've been complaining about,winging& irritating to be up close & personal with...has been listed...
So he gave the article to read (Him knowing what an Indepedent Proud Bitch I can be)...
During a conversation with my friend,he informed me that he had been reading an article about lactose intolerance,the symtoms,mood swings...
I just haven't been myself & all I've been doing has been winging & what seemed to be bitching about almost everything...Which isn't me!...
I've been a total miserable... to be around lately...Forget about ur hornemones being on steroids(being a woman & all that!) lol ...
...But I've put it down to my other allegies & food intolerences/sensitivities...It's all about trial & error...
It had been suggested that I'm suffering from 'Lactose Intolerence'...."What! What's That?"...I've had all the symptoms for sometime...
(No,I've had no alcohol...believe it or not, I don't drink that often-This New Yr &Xmas had been a weird exception)
Over the last few days I have really been suffering...
Back to my drawing board & need to tweak my biz model slightly so that I can make quick cash to invest in my other projects...
I kno I have too much of a sense of humour.But that's my strength it carries me through all the...that happens around me & in my life daily
...I'm going to make sure I make them happen before I drop dead!...(Even if that is the final outcome...;););) lol
...Whatever happens I must keep working so that I achieve my GOALS! The only person who can make all my DREAMS come TRUE is 'ME'!
Been getting over my food posioning...My friend had it much worse than I have had!
Been feeling like CRAP for almost a week now...Trying to keep my spirit up & my fingers working their bits off ;)...
Been up since 12 Midnight Mon) night.Been working on my self development.Working my way through 'GOALS' Brain Tracy (1 of my virtual Heros)