Saturday 21 May 2011

....Sign up for my FREE Intro Newsletter which will hit your boxes in the NEXT few days with a few surprises...(Remember 12 noon Today)
So please don't forget to bookmark my pages & PRESS my 'Like' button at the TOP of my Fan Page 'Ihateaffiliatemarketerswholie'...&...
...Such a hetic busy day...I will be behind the scene tapping up the content for the Newspaper or making short video clips to go LIVE!!!
Now for a quick beakfast before I completely forget again...Then over to FB for some quick Fan Page updates & changes...Then back over to the Blog
may benefit my buddies & friends then I will recommend it but ALSO with a note for my friends to inform them that I am NOT using it & why!
I can't or won't lie to my networks & recommend something that I wouldn't use myself.The only exception to that is if I have tried or know of something which...
WARNING-I won't just recommend your products or services unless I have checked them out or have used them, so please don't bother asking...
...Also if any of my Internet/Affiliate Marketing Buddies wish for a space,mention or review,please drop by my box & talk to me...
...If there's anything that you GUYS wish to be included or see in the NEWSLETTER, please drop me a message so that I can see if I can have it included...Maybe even as an extra
...As the Newsletter has been designed to be ALL about YOU & so little about me(though I do use myself as the punch bag-for the stories-so I hope NOT to offend anybody)
Hey...Just a quick case I forget to include it in my IHAMWL Newsletter 'I Hate Affiliate Marketers Who Lie'...
...So Pls...Don't try to sign up now...Give me 'till 12noon...Then there will be a simple sign up form (Landing Page)...where you can sign up for the Newsletter
I must now go over & knock up a quick sign up page...It will be boring & basic 1st but the changes will happen to that too (quickly)
...No that's NOT dribble to suck you in...Unfortunately...You get the REAL DEAL...
As most of you that have been Networking with me for years now's NOT all about the money for me...It's about the relationships & the journey we have together that matters MOST.
I have also started a blog (article) regarding how honest do I get with you...But I promised I would be truthful & pay the price for being open & honest
So don't be surprised, if during the course of the day, things change a number of times...You will be experiencing the project COMING ALIVE...
Today all my project pages & WP BLOGS etc regarding 'I Hate Affiliate MArketers Who lie' will be changing right before your eyes....
I will be on & offline today working behins the scenes but don't forget you can always ping my mob or hit my inboxes...
Hopefully my WP Friend will make the alterations to the configs & techie stuff to my Fan Pages & blogs over the next few days for me....
Pls.Also give me your honest views & feedback...Even if you think my works CRAP & stinks!!! I will appreciate it & take the tomatoes too.
So don't forget...During the course of this evening POP ofer & LIKE my FB page 'I Hate Affiliate MArketers Who Lie' to receive the feeds & UPDATES
Now I have the graphics ALL copyrighted & my work copyrighted...There's NO more need for me to be too careful...
But later today I will have the sign up pages set up for you to join...I will also be making the changes to the FanPages 'I Hate Affiliate Marketers Who Lie'
who have been waiting so patiently for me to get this kick started I have something SPECIAL... to show my I SCREWED up!
I will be putting in place the signup Auto responders etc today so that you can sign up for the FREE edition & for the guys...
...I had to pick up the workload which didn't make anything any easier...It was suppose to, so that I could clear my head a bit!
...Now you understand why I didn't commit too much...I was still disappointed & P*** off from last week when I was let down by so many professional
...Going on & why I have been so stressed & I have missed a few Launch dates...That why I didn't make the DATES to official...
So today, you maybe getting many twitt updates from me but at least NOW you have an idea of what's REALLY been...
...It's NOT ALL doom & gloom in my world...Today my projects taking the frontline & all my personal housing issues are being swept to the side...
...Today,I will SUPER I still have so much to do by myself just in order to deliver my newsletter...But there is exciting stuff happening
...So if that isn't dedication,I don't know what is!!!
...Missing the glorious sunshine that we have...My room is already hotter than outside...That's with the fans on...
...So yes,my project has been delayed a bit...I am working on completing the intro (launch) today & no matter how long it takes...I'm working my bits off &
...The alternative is to go HOMELESS completely...So trying to get my product launched & dealing with Housing issues at the same time has been tough
...But unfortunately,it screwed up my day...I don't live under the BEST conditions at the mo as it is...But am trying to make the MOST of it or...
...when colllecting my letters & my copyrights is to be reminded...(felt more like being bullied)...Anyway Tues is the FINAL deadline...
...Had been up to 3.30am that morning getting rid of some of my belongings & clearing some of my junk for the rubbish,so the last thing I need...
...Anyway...Unfortunately...I had been doing what had been asked off me...But then a few days before my deadline...I am reminded!...Didn't need it
...I hate it when other people have you by the balls...
I promised myself that my living conditions (CRAP temporary accommodation-with only a license)won't interfere or take over, or crush my launch...
Trying to be a Super woman again!... lol
What should have been a REAL productive day...Turned into a NON productive, stressful day...I'm a bit more sensitive than usual...
Had some NEW restrictions my way, so I'm trying to compile.I had a polite reminder yesterday (which P*** me off & screwed up my day)...
Hi Guys...These are my shameless twitts from the backdoor & NOT direct into FB...MUST stay focused to meet my deadline from my
Coming LIVE from the pitt...(my bedroom)...stinking,sweating,roughing it,tired,overstressed & still clearing things out & downsizing...

Sunday 15 May 2011

See you later sweet dreams...Miranda
The newsletter will follow but it will NOT be an instant follow as I now have a few other things to add to the initial package of this...
I will also have the signup form in place...So don't forget to signup...
Anyway made some quick changes to the blogger blog for now but I will update it a little later today with more info
I will be still running my business via FB but I will have to work out how I am to do a few things...
Now I'm just gettingback but I am setting up other systems in the back ground as that is the way I think I will deliver the content from now.
Then...Reality kicked in...Everything screwed up...I overworked my baby (system) & it wasn't happy with me & decided to go into a comma...Refused to work
...People letting u down or not showing up at the last min...Over promising stuff & not delivering...I knocked up some GREAT content from the TOP of my head in such a short space of time
It was my fault I never put in a solid Back up plan...I usually do but as I was so pushed & everything was working fine 'til then...U know the usual stuff
Dame thing screwed up my head & life for a few days...Talk about FRIDAY 13th come early...
Damn IAP Keys...I'll be glad if I never see one again!
OK I was more than convinced it was me who screwed up! I was so parinoid after so many blasts asking him to check my config & the info to ensure that the API keys work
I thought it was me & my techie IT friend who's helping me out confirmed it was the systems which bugged up...I thought it was me
They refuse to talk to each other & after all the time I spent configuring it & creating the NEW apps (which is the FAN PAGE) it screwed up
I Can't believe it...After a fatal computer crash/error, I then experienced both REAL CRAP BAD news regarding both Facebook & Wordpress
Change of business model isn't necessary a bad thing...It's just can be a pain in the butt when your business is relying both on Facebook & your WordPress Blog...
Trying to put right a techie hiccup with regards to my monthly newsletter 'I Hate Affiliate Marketers Who Lie'...With the recent screw ups it's forcing me to change my business model
Twitter screwed up on me on a number of occasions so here I am putting out all the posts behind closed doors.
Here's the short link to 'I Hate Affiliate Marketers Who Lie'- Don't forget to bookmark it -

Tuesday 10 May 2011

'Till next time (tomorrow or later tonight)...Sweet Dreams...I can't share any of my thoughts of today at they are pretty rude (as usual) ;)
???What has been your faourite or most funny Tag lines that you have seen or witnessed over the net or social medias...Pls share!!!
...Questionable ones which YOU will either giggle at or raise a few eye brows...I will be uploading them soon so you can laugh & see how my project unfolds...
NOW I must go back to work...Looks like I'm NOT to get much sleep if any over the next few days to the end of the launch...
All links & announcements, invites etc will be also hitting my main pages so watch your feeds...
...So I have been playing with tag lines for both my Fan Pages & the Graphics for the Welcome pages...I accidently & stumbled upon some MAD...
Been working on logos & temp graphics for the site...Micky mouse mock ups to my Graphic designer has time to complete the project...
Hopefully, the plan is that my website,Fanpages & apps will work together with my payment systems...Progress-1'2 way there but sure I will screw up again somewhere
UPDATE 5:-Been working on creating my Facebook App so that it will intergrate with my Facebook Fan Page...But yesterday I TOTALLY screwed up, so I'm correcting the techie configs today
...To have an Autopilot Virtual life playing...
UPDATE 4:- Now I'm working my bits off again!!! I'm NOT oo use to this...It's ALL foreign...The whole point of having such a business was...
...& value for you guys....
...Years of experience & working in such professions (past lifes)...The worst thing that could happen even if I create the work also...I have much more content to share...
...My friend had a VALID point...Why was I commissioning somebody but still doing the work?....You know what my answer was...
...Just in case they don't come through...He thought I was NUTS & stated so why have I commissined such projects if I've still got to do the work myself!
The majority of other outsourcers have over promised & let me down & I have been saying for the last 7 Days to my friend that I need to create the work myself...
...It's Pay Back time...I had 1 Freelancer (my techie guy) who has SAVED my a*** on so many accounts already in the last few days...
It's times like this that you realize where ALL your investments have gone over the years & why you have been so BROKE!!!...NOW...
UPDATE 4:-Spent a great deal of my time baby sitting or reclaiming a workload which doesn't seem to be going down...
UPDATE 3:- I have set up a project to come A Live in such a suicidial time frame (just over 10 days)...NEVER again!!! I'm stressed & a SUPER B***
Who ever said outsourcing your work to other Pros (Freelancers) should eat their words...It's NOT that easy!!! So be aware!!! Still do it!!!
UPDATE 2:- Been working my bits off on my NEW (revamped project) but kicking the bits out of it, so that it will become LIVE (Launched) this Fri - Friday 13th May 2011
...I hate people who tell me the whole movie B4 I had the opp to see it for myself...So I'm NOT going to do it to you...
Disappointing...NO WAY!!! You love Fast movies & a bit of gore...Grab a viewing of Hanna...
I can't really tell you too much more or it will spoil the movie for you & it wouldn't be worth watching...
...Hanna's NOT the usual type of Child Ass*** Fantastic twist...Complex storyline (plot)...Need to really pay attention but it isn't quite clear until towards the end of the movie...
If you are looking for a cinema movie to watch...Grab a viewing of Hanna...You won't be disappointed...It's 1 of the BEST if not the BEST child ASS*** movies I've ever seen
I will put up a real short review & trailer on my FB Fan Page a little later this eve...So watch out
Movie 2- Hanna (the Child Assassan) which I have been ranting on about for sometime now...All I can say is WOW!!! Both movies Don't miss!!!
...Went to see 2 movies... 1 - Thor 3D (I was so guttered as I thought I had totally missed it & that it had gone out of the cinema...
...Anyway...My friend came & snatched me & we ended up going to the cinema...Taking the day out...Went shopping to collect a few bits....
...Buckets full of *** (The white Pigeon stuff-that's if he's got a good tummy!!!) lol
...Living the CRAZY life I do...S*** happens...It's as though Millions of Pigeons All aim & fire at once, hitting their target...ME!!! ;)...
UPDATE 1: Let's start with the easy & quick stuff...Last night I had planned a bit of time out to chill..As usual things don't go according to plan...
...Also plenty of AMAZING stuff..
It's been a MAD, rough , stressful but also exciting week...Talk about Roller Coaster rides of life & mixed emotions...LOADS of CRAP happening
These are a series of my shameless backdoor get ready to rock & get busy... lol ;)

Thursday 5 May 2011 - Watch the pages come ALIVE!!!
HELP WANTED - Come &Join me over at my NEW Fan Page-'I Hate Affiliate Marketers Who Lie' & press the 'LIKE' Butt