Tuesday 13 September 2011

Working on my reviews & getting my websites back.
All the same...BRILLIANT revenge movie...Loads of action,fast & furious & some incredible stunts.A must see movie.
Fantastic movie yesterday/last night...Colombia.I was wrong.It's NOT the one with Brad Pitts wife...That's to come out soon...
Doesn't it just P*** you off when you go to find your site no longer there...No explanations why...All your hard work GONE!!!
In the process of working on my reviews which I was about to upload to my site to discover it has gone...Been removed temp by my host...NOT too sure why
Sorry guys just have fond out that 2 of my sites are down...NOt too sure when or why.Will get this corrected as soon as possible.
Designing a few online courses whihc I was hoping to launch in a couple of weeks.

Monday 12 September 2011

Catch up later...Off for a upaccino with my buddy, then off to have some FUN @the movies...That's what u call LIFE!!!
...Absolutely amazing experience...watching nature coming ALIVE
I was up @5am sitting outside alone with just a green tea with pineappple (to keep me co) enjoying the wind & listening/watching the wild life
Don't you think that the windy weather here in the UK is brill & refreshing...?
Probably go somewhere different where NOT expected to be seen...LOL
...Getting myself together to have a day out & have a life...Off to the cinema...Not too sure which 1 I'll end up in...Anythings possible...
Exploring some more AB workout DVD's...Hmmm...interesting!
FREEDOM...My appointments for this morning have been cancelled by the other parties...Therefore I have my day back to do as I wish...YIPPPEEE
...Little do they know that I can get through the back door without HACKING!!! LOL
As I am currently working mobile I couldn't add the Youtube links to the movies (films) which I wanted as the Social Networks are blocked.LOL
Over the week end purchased a Spinner to get fit...Place in my home gym as I'm not going to EasyGym for awhile...So funny.Still trying to get to grips with it.
Talk about work those abs! lol
Must purchase the box set & the book. Have been told that the earlier BBC TV version was very good.Haven't seen it!
Tinker,Talior,Sailor Spy... (The movie) is to be released very soon...CAN'T wait!! This is my no.1 movie to watch.
Have a few 'MUST' see movies on my list which I will most definetly go & watch....
I hope to upload ALL recent reviews up to my site over the next few coming days...Most definitely by the end of this week.
Going to watch Columiana (Sy movie with Brad Pitts wife) & Fright Night...Been so looking forward to these movies.Reviews will be going up on the site
Hopefully the Johnny English Reborn is much better & funnier.If you missed it & get a chance watch the original.
...Johnny English Reborn (NEW movie to be released in October), it just happened that the TV played the inital Johnny English.Glad I saw it but was trying NOT too
As you know Mr Bean is Funny - A natural Prat...This is what makes it so funny. Won't spoil the plot...But as I am dying to see the 2nd movie
For those who don't know Johnny English (Mr Bean) is suppose to be an English Spy working for M17 (NEVER heard of them but never mind)...
Accidently watched Jonny English (1st movie)...FUNNY...
Spent most of the time laughing my pants off for a a change.
Strange last few days...Been biting ALL over by bugs & cockroaches, so been trying to combat the bugs...Sore from scratching

Monday 5 September 2011

Be back later I HOPE... My PC is down...so am tapping mobile.
Windows 7 is such a let down...So crap & moody!
Can see why so many PC LOVERS are converting & turning over to MAC...This would have been unheard off a few years ago...It's like changing football teams (NATIONAL)
Hopefully be back properly over the next few days...Had a few distractions...Now getting back on track...
Some BRILL movies coming up in the next few months...
Back from along earned rest.Strange times.Getting back down to things...