Wednesday 30 June 2010

...The twitts will NOT be entered in any particular order as it's after the event & Twitter seems to be having issues...Here we go...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
I was in the process of sending out twitts regarding Mark anastasi' ClickBank Master Class Event...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
I was using to send out my twitt blasts but it gave up on me...Something went wrong!...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
Get ready for the blast...Sorry guys...I'm going to try to do it ALL in 1 sitting!#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
Still haven't received the tickets yet Mark...U need to get hold of that company & give them an earfull ;) mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
...The story so far...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
So here's those twitts I promised U all & that I promised Mark Anastasi...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
...So I was unable to twitt LIVE as I had hoped...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
Unfortunately these twitts are late coming out due to the Internet Connectivity @the hotel being TOTALLY CRAP...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
Some of the BEST Internet Marketers & Affiliate Marketers in the world, all speaking under 1 roof.#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
"What A Mind-Blowing Event!"#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
...I was a bit eager...I signed up for the same event x2...
As you would well know by now, I registered for Mark Anastasi' ClickBank Millionaire & Master Class...#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC
Hey guys,here are the twitts related to the ClickBank Event as promised.Sorry for the delay.
#mirandaodonoghue BYEAClub MarkAnastasi CBMMC

Friday 18 June 2010

Passing over to Facebook to stalk some of my FB friends.;) See U oover there!
So much to do...Not too much time but I'll enjoy it anyway!
I hate blogging.This reminds me why I NEVER wanted to do it.I prefer twitts as they're not too brain draining (I'm running low on those juices);)
Not too sure how I'm going to fit everything in but some how I'll manage...I always do!
Great TRUE friends are hard to come by!
...Plus I owe him...He's been my rock while I've been on the rollercoast ride with regards to my ex's cancer & treatments!
...Loads of making up & sucking up to do.Hopefully be ableto take most of Monday off for him to celebrate his Birthday as it's a BIG one!
...Purchase 1 of my special friends a few Birthday gifts...(Been P*** him off & avoiding him for the last few days to put him off the scent)
...Need to prepare some stuff for my 9am meeting in the morning...Prepare myself for Mark A (Clickbank Millionaire)seminar...
...I need to complete writing my own articles...Configure & structure the blog (both in rough & Live)Talk about time consuming activities...
Busy day ahead...Getting through the remainder of these articles (I had over 95+ to start with).I've got through 30 min...
'Sorry Guys...Sort it out!!!!'
But I'm so passionate about what I do & I just can't wrire a review or promote a product for the sake of it!
That's the end of that rant!
They have done their good deed & made so much money on top.
Too many people placing info (inaccurate) up online just for the sake for doing it.All in the name of helping others (of course!)
If I was new to the net.This would freak me out & some of the info I have just read would put me off altogether.This is a scary reality...
...Online targets!
It explains why there is such a high % figure for people failing with their online businesses or NOT reaching at least a small % of their...
WOW...No wonder why some people become so overwhelmed & fearful about starting a business online or carrying out some of their business activities.
I can't possibly market this product or write a review to place on my sites.Not worth my time or reputation.I won't be able to sleep at night!
Most of it's CRAP & Untrue. Many of the strategies no longer work & the info they are passing off has been out of date for sometime.It's just rehashed!
I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading...There's NO way I can put my name to it or do a honest review...
Can't believe that I have been up working since midnight. Already read over 30+ articles & still have over 60 to go.
Good Morning Guys!!!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

For the FB Guys who have sent me requests.My apologies, but FB has just slapped that warning messages telling me that I'm connecting too fast & to too many people! Huh!!!
Overwhelmed by the number of requests & messages for people to Linkin & connect with me. Many Thanks Guys! You're All Welcome!
Wanting to get into the shower fast so can then settle down to another long day of YouTube Movie Scripts for video blogs & article writing.
Now catching up...On Facebook & other networks.
My apologies guys,if you were looking for me & I didn't make it! I'm usually somewhere if I've promised or made the arrangements.
Passed out after 8pm but set my alarm to be up to get on the net but I slept through it! That's pretty unheard off! Not sure what happened! ;) lol
Dame it took so long.You tend to forget how much time & effort goes into the work at the drawing table & development stages.
Had a real hard day yesterday creating templates & worksheets for my paper trails & project progress to prove all work belongs to me..No borrowed or stolen or rehashed
Can't keep having people stealing my work. Yes, it does happen...Nearly all the time! ;) lol
Had to spend time thinking & creating my paper trials for copyrighting my work...BORING!!! Dame hard & a waste of time but well worth the effort in the long run...
Over worked during the day...Talk about a struggle.Working while having a real killer hangover.Kicked out so much more work than I thought possible.
Facebook is being a pain...So slow ...Now I'm being treated as a bot...AGAIN!!! I wish!!! lol
Watch & Learn from this 'LAZY PROFESSIONAL' @ work! lol
Catch you guys up later!!! Meet you on Facebook after 11pm
Feel FREE to hit my inbox but I will be catching up later online to be social...
I'll be working behind the scenes fleshing out the remaining blogs (1st batch) so I can copyright them all & upload them with the Youtube pieces.
I can't believe that I'm actually working my bits off. considering I have an awlful hangover & looking rougher than rough! Cor, I'm such a LAZY...!
Yep, I'm doing all the work (as usual) so pretty busy.
& laying out the foundations for some of the Youtube movies for the blogs & presentations for inside the site.
Today, (while NOT in the fittest mental state-HUNG OFF) I'm working on the final designs of the logos,banners,butts etc...& website pages...
But on a serious note...The content for the site & some of the pieces which I have added to it as extra bonus with training videos are going to be amazing...
I can't remembe much more as been under the influence of alcohol...My friend has been leading me a stray!!! ;) lol
If it helps 1 person than it's been worth all the sleepless nights, blood, sweat &
...I have as usual comitted agreat deal of work to this...Alot more than needed but I'm extremly passionate about what I'm doing .
Playing with logo ideas...& creating all the other social media accounts which I shall need to kick this baby out to make it a success...
Outlined over 50 blogs (& have completed a few of them) to be copyrighted & uploaded onto the site...(All my work NOT rehashed or borrowed...
Been swotting up on a few things, advancing some of my techie skills, designed my website(outline) & how it's developing with all the back systems...
Apart from All the CRAP, I've been working & having fun behind the scenes.
Anyway, I suppose I must keep playing the game as I will find away...Need to take it further & to the highest levels!!!!
Is that really advice...The victim has to move!!!
She couldn't understand when I said that's NOT an option or a solution!
Try explaining that politely...when a legal representitive is saying the solutions available...I have to move accommodation.
Yesterday, the point made to me from an advisor is that most people don't even read comments made on the internet...'HELLO!!!' with what I do,I'm an easy target!
..It takes one person who doesn't like you or that you don't share the same opinion destroy you all they have to do is place an update or a twitt!
...People in real important positions still don't get it...!!!
Oh well that's the rants...but it raises so many interesting questions & thoughts that...
If my business activities are going to fail & everything else around me collapses, it has to be done on my terms...As I have made BAD decisions or I've been a TOTAL MUPPET! ;)
I strongly believe that NOBODY has the right to take away or destroy my dream but ME! I stand by it!
It takes a lot more than all the above stated issues to keep me down!!!
I'm not too worried about all the initimadationn, bullying, theats (promises) or anything else which has been suggested.I deal with these everyday in my
I need to look into this further as shorly there are some laws which I can have all these *** actioned against to protect my business activities & character...
So yep, it's been great on the Miranda Front at the mo! lol
All I could be advised was that there are NOT any solid laws to protect me..I can be bullied, intimidated & character distroyed before any other actions can be taken..Huh???
...put out a damaging twitt or status notice about me.Or something else which may raise eye-brows about my intentions & business etc...
I spent hours yesterday waiting for legal advice but at the mo the best that anybody could come up with is that...Nothing can be done until the ***...
Apart from all the cancer stuff going on...I had a few days of fun with people who are trying to destroy me;- (Nothing new there!)
...His reactions & the effects of radio theraphy is just going to be a continuous issue now for the rest of his life...There's so many adverse after effects!
Had a few concerning sms' from my ex about his cancer after-care treatment.It had set me back a little but everything seems to be getting back on track...
Just a quick catch up to let you know what I've been up to & progress made.
Hi Guys...Gooooooooood Morning!!!