Sunday 18 April 2010

Over to Facebook quickly before I go offline for the rest of the day!
Finished watching the Politics show & other political broadcasts.
Thanks Guys!!!
Finally completed going through all my messages & responding.
Time to get funky with the hoover ;)
Seems like the papers going no where...endless papers...I could scream! lol
Trying to clear some of my paperwork...Shredding & ripping paper

Saturday 17 April 2010

If spurs win, won't hear the end of it!
Not too sure who to support out of Chelsea & Spurs...But if Chelsea slip...Arsenal still have a distant hope & dream
The areas getting prepared for Spurs kick off
Back over to Facebook for a while
Another rough night!
I could't sleep.
How inconsiderate...As I had to then listen to it for sometime die painfully & it's squeeches.Usually, these things don't bother me...But last night (this morning) it did!
I must be becoming a wimp as I'm getting 2am b4 I went to bed this morning...something (a mosquito or bee) decided to fly into my light...
Catching up with messages, emails & sms'
Mmm coffee!
Enjoying my bowl of 'fruit n nut' I forgot to have breakfast so just catching up now!
I can't believe I'd been on Facebook for just under 3hrs...I must be mad!!!
Catch you over at Facebook
So many messages & sms to check out.I will be responding to All (or as many as I can today)
Will be working off the Social Networking platforms today & will be going in the the background but passing through a number of sites.
Coming over to Facebook for a while.Catch you there!
So who's your money on today...Chelsea or Spurs to mke it to 1st postion?
Arsenal Screwed up...The dream is over...Though there's a few good positions still up for grabs.
Today is the BIG 'D' day for Chelsea...
If all goes well...I would have outlived my father by 4months...What a BONUS!!! Just have tobe more careful how I cross roads! ;)
So next year I already have something special planned.Now working my bits & A*** off to make it happen!
Next yrs BD is far more important...A personal pack I have with my brother.Surviving a day or year more than our father is a BONUS...
Sorry guys all mobs & gadgets will be barred...There's NO way I want to find them on YouTube...;)
Count down to my BD is on...I'm suppose to be having a quiet one! (Yeah right!- If u know anything about my idea of quiet ones)
I will have all my sites linked in so you are able to have previews of my FREE work & access to the some of th pages of my PAID Membership sites (Training Camps)
The blog structures are still moving over to the other servers as planned & hosted somewhere else but...
Been polishing up & tapping up new content for the sites & for the blogs.
The joys of being a 1 woman band!
At the mo I have the painful tasks of doing everything myself until the contract for the website team & a few others kick in...Can't wait! It will be far less stressful!
Most of the CRAP was happening in my personal life so it did become a distraction for a while.Hopefully It's sorted for a little while.
Had to have a few days off to reflect & tweak my business models as they were not quite working as planned.
Back to business...Almost!
Unfortunately,I wouldn't trust anybody to distribute the funds on my behalf! The pleasure would be for me to hand it over myself & see the smiles on people's faces.
I would rather pump that money into much neede causes such as building or rebuilding peoples lifes & homelessness
I have NO issues with making my contributions and keep the UK economy turning but the fact remains...
Unfortunately, the New 50% tax will creep up & effect me! So why would I want to be working for 1/2 my earnings? I may as well go on less than the min wage.
Does the concept of the NEW 50% tax make starting or maintaining a business in the UK attractive or should we all just bugger off abroad? What do you think?
So what does this NEW 50% Income Tax mean to businesses?
Surely this NEW 50p (50%) UK Income Tax is NOT totally legal! Didn't it seem to have been pushed through pretty quickly?
Not too sure if I will vote...but will have to see!
I'm looking at the new suggested Political policies...They all still look pretty suss to me.They all still stink of suspicion.
So which UK MP (Party Leader) deserves your vote?
No surprises to hear about ning now starting to kick in the PAID Membership model! So what does this mean for it's thousands of users?
Been working away behind the scenes on my other sites so that they have some great content for when they launch.It will keep members busy...

Thursday 8 April 2010

Catch up later...Also working on a few domain names..What FUN I have had this week.
Checking out & pricing up virtual office spaces...Can't believe how much hardwork it is...Not use to this!!! lol
Some of my friends are already on missions with some BD pranks...
Can't believe that I have 2 wks to my BD & already we're having FUN...As time counts down....I MUST watch my back!
I NEED some SLEEP!!!!
Feeling a little less stress and FREE as I have somebody helping me by doing some little bits...
The new services are exciting!
See I am busy (sometimes)!!!
That was suppose to read...In the process of copyrighting material/content for my sites, blogs & membership sites
In the process of organizinf files & copyrighting stuff (content for blogs, member sites etc)
Spent most of the last 2 wks in & out of IKEA...Having far too much FUN!
The party season has already started.My Birthday Celebrations are in (almost) full swing...That's why all this business legal stuff is boring!
Finally talking to the right people & working towards some REAL strict DEADLINES...
Still have a quite a bit CRAP to sort out to have the business Totally setup,registered & finally a REAL home! It's BORING & TIME CONSUMING!
Been purchasing more office furniture to kit out the room...It's getting there.Have the boring task of organizing it, so it works for me!
Looking for NEW office space (virtual offices) for min a yr.Some of the prices are preety unreal!!!
Been researching & planning NEW business services...Copyrighting & doing all the legal stuff..BORING!!!
Having help to design pages & configure my website & minisite pages...FINALLY

Sunday 4 April 2010

RT @GuyKawasaki: 52 of the worst Photoshop disasters
RT @babssaul: Does the colour of you hair get you a job? | Blokes on the Blog
RT @CHRISVOSS: Retailers, Restaurants, MUST SEE Video on Location Apps and People using the App games. Foursquare Yelp
So far, I find using Hoot so much easier & not as frustrating as some of the other Twitter Client Apps. HootSuite
RT @CHRISVOSS: R&D for Your Small and Medium Business Create your own R&D techniques no matter your business size.
Too late to back out now...all I can do is PRAY!!! LOL
Busy with the kids 1st before I go & say my last prayers (as my friends cooking for me for the 1st time)
I'm working behind Closed doors now...So I don't keep getting grabbed...I must complete what I started
Popped in here to read some of my DM & twitts...So I can escape quickly!
Catch you later!
Happy Easter Guys...Get drunk on your Easter Eggs & chocs... ROFL
Off to have a quick play & then shower for a few hours.
I think we're doing it Greek style today...Then off to be naughty...My style ROFL
Meeting the kids for dinner so I have to make an effort as they are being bathed after their choco eggs...They've made such a
Off soon to spend a few hrs in the shower...(Time to myself)...
Tried to clear my mob memory from the messages coming in...Had to give up...There's far too many so I will have to make another attempt.
I wish I could type as fast as I can write....Still so OLD School!
Had a few days off, so back to finger tipping some of these blogs I have sitting around me.
Saying my prayers...1 of my friends is cooking for us tonight.I've NEVER tried his cooking before.I MUST have been DRUNK if I agreed to be the Muppet!lol
I was hoping for a lay in bed & to twitt my bits off but as usual I end up doing something else.
Don't really celebrate the Christian Calender except when around kids or doing some occasional Family stuff.
Blasting out some funky Easter Messages to some of my friends.They seem to be getting naughtier & cheeky as they're being
Enjoying reading & laughing my *** of at some of my Easter messages sent via my mob. Thanks guys!!! Your Funny!!! ;)

Friday 2 April 2010

RT @terribrooks: 101 Smart And Easy Web Traffic Strategies
RT @MarkClayson: 15 Great Ways to Find Web Design and Development Work
RT @JimRohnQuotes: Here's some key network marketing information:
RT @ChrisPirillo: "Two words: Hunter Thompson. Eventually, bloggers will be journalists. Hopefully, without the psychedelics." [@GrimBlazer]
RT @CHRISVOSS: My Review of Location App Games, Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp, Loopt, etc.
RT @CHRISVOSS: My Video on Adaptability in Business - Customers Make Your Business Plan - My insights on this concept
RT @EverythingSEO: Search + Social: Three Search Platforms Incorporate Facebook Ads API: Yesterday there were three press releases fr...
RT @missusP: You know you're too busy when you forget to sign your child up for kindergarten. Yeah, sorry honey, Mommy was working. Next year. fb
I signed up to Cancer Prevention Campaign -
Going over to Fb to collect data for the causes I wish to support & then will build blogs
RT @NiMoFah: Say what you like... Do what you feel you... You know exactly who you are...
RT @mparent77772: Our Government Is Planning to Stay at War for the Next 80 Years. Anyone Got a Problem with That?
RT @Derek_Haines: Childhood Imagery: As a follow up to my blog post about childhood memories, I just had to add another image that ...
RT @mparent77772: UK concerned over escalated Israeli attacks on Gaza
RT @Carebuzz: ‘Aging in place’ to create new markets
RT @GuyKawasaki: Building a better soybean: 2 steps forward, 1 step back
RT @BrentDPayne: How you know your ex is doing a good job raising your kid... "Dad I love singing Bon Jovi. He ROCKS!"
RT @lelandford: Network Marketing: The Timing Is Right For Network Marketing ...: There's so many factors that contribute t..
RT @Philanthropy: Social Media and Cultural Institutions: Museums and other cultural institutions are using social media tools to connect with their pat...
RT @tamar: i still think google chrome is great, but the way its abandoned processes tack onto my CPU load is not great at all. google, pls fix win7
RT @Lucas_Wyrsch: Coming Soon: Portable Poop-Powered Nuclear Reactors?
RT @Lucas_Wyrsch: Infographic of the Day: China's Growing Wealth Gap
I will be creating a 'Support The Kids With Cancer' Campaign on My Blog Spaces.When making donations either go through FB or contact them directly
I've made a promise that I would help & support the 'Kids With Cancer' Campaign. Join me -
I' signed up to help & support 'Kids with Cancer. I'm asking for your help.No money neccessary but would be an extra bonus -
Imagine ALL they are asking for is your help by joining their campaign.They are NOT asking for money. 'Kids With Cancer' on Facebook.
I signed up to support 'Kids With Cancer' on Facebook. Please help this cause to reach their target no. of people joining their campaign
I need to relax a bit...been over doing it as usual
I must be nuts...I have just escaped from FB..Been on there for a few hours.
Is it TRUE that Facebook purchased Mashable?
How much fingertipping is off putting?
How much marketing is too much?
Am still excited about my new services.Putting some finishing touches together to sweeten the deal.
Really need to rethink some strategies & really work my fingers.
Working on some of my blog posts & completing some blog articles I have been working on.
Getting excited about creating my Facebook Fan Pages.I can't believe it's so easy!
Finally came off Facebook.Been on their for a few hrs as usual...(By accident of course!!!)
Being around so many BIG KIDS & little people I get dragged in.
Busy day distributing choco eggs today & doing some of the Easter stuff...Don't really wish to as I don't celebrate myself. I'm NOT religious
Been trying to get washed & dressed since just after4am(GMT)...Still haven't completed those tasks! ;)
Need to catch up with the handy man before I leave this morning...To make sure he does what he promised.

Thursday 1 April 2010

RT @PeteOlsen: "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine."~ Mike Murdock
RT @bethheilman: Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece. Ralph Charell
RT @PeteOlsen: "I believe your focus creates your feelings"-Dr. Mike Murdock;
RT @PeteOlsen: Champions do daily, what losers do occasionally! - Mike Murdock
RT @PeteOlsen: RT @JustDrPeace: Have a great weekend to @SPARTICUSIAN @KyDerbyPrincess @LoriMoreno @lowryagency @starlingpoet @RichardBejah @MisterHir ...
RT @PeteOlsen: Content is King! Learn how to create it on autopilot & attract people to you instantly!
RT @CHRISVOSS: Why Your Business Should Focus on Social Media and NOT GOOGLE Rank
RT @janpolsen: Top 10 SEO Mistakes ~ #2: Wrong Page Title: This video demonstrates how to choose a page title for your website an...
RT @PeteOlsen: So grateful fo such an amazing day and for such an incredible family on twitter and facebook!